
Friday 5 September 2014

World’s Water Running Out

“World’’ leaders are gathering in washington today to discuss the worsening water. Crisis water may soon need to be rationed said us president amelia top if we carry on wasting it there simply won’t be enough to go round.
my score is 4/20

Thursday 4 September 2014

brother and sister

1. What is the Indian name for and Sisters Day and when is it celebrated?Raksha bandhan

2. What do Brothers for their sisters? say thank you

3. What do Sisters do for their brothers? make sweets for them

The Fox and the Tiger

1. Explain why Tiger didn’t harm or eat fox because he foat that he was a officer 

 2. Was Fox the Emperor’s Grand Officer? Explain your answer in detail no he was trying to protect his self. 

 3. What is an Emperor?it is a king 

 4. What is a Grand Officer?a grand old cop 

 5. What did you learn from this folk tale? that he was try to protect his self,he’s a clever fox and tricks people

how frog lost his tail

1. Describe why the frog was ugly his mouth was like a black cave and his eyes were bulged out like doorknobs.

2. Sky god gave frog a tail, why did he do this and what was frog’s job?frogs job was taking them to the will and letting them drink from it.

3. Explain why Sky god tricked frog and how did he do this because when he was a tadpole he had a tail.

4. How did Sky god punish frog?when he went to go to drink from it sky god said you can drink from here

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Africa Research

Hi my name is Emmanuel and I’m going to tell you about Africa. There are heaps of people in the continent africa.There are 1.111 billion people. It is the second biggest population of the world. O ne of the facts about africa is that madagascar is a country not connected to the continent.