Monday, 8 December 2014
Monday, 1 December 2014
Good Friend
How to be a good friend? is it easy to take care of a friend no? kia ora my name is Emmanuel and i’m going to tell you how to be a good friend. How to take care of them you got to show them around the school and be kind to them and last one really take care of them because its important to take care of them if you don't he will get lost. So it’s important to take care of them.
Use all of the things that i said on the first one. just look after them and they will no where to go. Today is friday november 14,it’s halloween and we will take our friends with us and will have lots of fun together.There will be cool halloween costume there will be party’s,there will candy and we will get lot’s cool staff.
If you have two friends get a another friend and say this to them you two wanna be friends and they have fun together and that’s what you do if you have two friends get three friends and split them up in to two parts So they get to meet each other it will feel fun with one friend at a time. In real life i got lots of dudes they play rugby with me and there speciall to me and i won’t hurt there feelings
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Answer the following questions and complete the tasks
List 6 hibernating animals mentioned in the text of the article (Create a google drawing an insert images of the 6 animals - give the right title for it)
Complete the organiser here
What occurs right after hibernation? (highlight the correct answer)
- an animal find or makes a winter shelter
- an animals falls into a deep sleep
- an animal ventures out to look for food
- winter arrives
What is estivation? (highlight the correct answer)
- when an animal slows down and sleeps through the winter months
- when an animal digs a hole and looks for food
- when an animals slows down and sleeps for the summer months
- when an animal wakes up during hibernation
Title: Hibernation
Sentence: Write down one sentence that share what you learned about hibernation. What does it mean? (do not copy all the questions above and post it to your blog - read and follow instructions carefully)
Upload both google drawing cards to your blog
listening and drawing Exercise
Draw a squiggly line across on the bottom third of your page
Draw a straight line on the top third of your page
Draw a circle in the top left corner
Draw three clouds in the top third of your page
Draw a bucket underneath the squiggly line of the left
Draw an umbrella on the right of the bucket
Draw a boy wearing shorts and a tshirt in the middle on the bottom of your page
Draw another boy on the right next to the first boy you’ve drawn
Draw a beach ball in the middle of the two boys
Write your name in the top right corner
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Friday, 5 September 2014
World’s Water Running Out
“World’’ leaders are gathering in washington today to discuss the worsening water. Crisis water may soon need to be rationed said us president amelia top if we carry on wasting it there simply won’t be enough to go round.
my score is 4/20 |
Thursday, 4 September 2014
brother and sister
1. What is the Indian name for and Sisters Day and when is it celebrated?Raksha bandhan
2. What do Brothers for their sisters? say thank you
3. What do Sisters do for their brothers? make sweets for them
The Fox and the Tiger
1. Explain why Tiger didn’t harm or eat fox because he foat that he was a officer
2. Was Fox the Emperor’s Grand Officer? Explain your answer in detail no he was trying to protect his self.
3. What is an Emperor?it is a king
4. What is a Grand Officer?a grand old cop
5. What did you learn from this folk tale? that he was try to protect his self,he’s a clever fox and tricks people
2. Was Fox the Emperor’s Grand Officer? Explain your answer in detail no he was trying to protect his self.
3. What is an Emperor?it is a king
4. What is a Grand Officer?a grand old cop
5. What did you learn from this folk tale? that he was try to protect his self,he’s a clever fox and tricks people
how frog lost his tail
2. Sky god gave frog a tail, why did he do this and what was frog’s job?frogs job was taking them to the will and letting them drink from it.
3. Explain why Sky god tricked frog and how did he do this because when he was a tadpole he had a tail.
4. How did Sky god punish frog?when he went to go to drink from it sky god said you can drink from here
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Africa Research
Hi my name is Emmanuel and I’m going to tell you about Africa. There are heaps of people in the continent africa.There are 1.111 billion people. It is the second biggest population of the world. O ne of the facts about africa is that madagascar
is a country not connected to the continent.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Giant Snails
1. Explain why Giant snails are pests in Samoa The snails are greedy, and they destroy farmers’ crops.
2. How were Giant Snails introduced to Samoa?first they went to Hawaii Then Samoa
3. Explain why snails hide when the sun is hot because if the snail does not find a shelter they will die
Friday, 22 August 2014
“Sports” is usually a competitive physical activity and is organised or just for fun people are usually in teams and sometimes they are just for individuals sports can help learn new skills and techniques and it can be heaps of fun too sometimes sports is entertaining for participants and spectators how do you feel about sports.?
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Champion role model Sir Edmund Hillary
in C.R.E we were talking about Sir Edmund Hillary. He climbed the highest mountain he was a famous man and he's even on the note.
we are learning about make good choose.
Joshua 1:9
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Monday, 18 August 2014
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Rapture Ruckus (Brad Dring) I am special
In C.R.E we Mrs Clark talked about Brad Dring is a rapper and he travels around the country trying to performing.

Jeremiah 29:1111 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Boxing at the Commonwealth Games
Record and upload voice >> “Boxing” is a cost sport of the Commonwealth Games that started in 1930. Competitor are grouped according to their weight division these division very in 13 categories from light fly weight to heavyweight to superweight. This year was the first for the females boxing.
Friday, 8 August 2014
The commonwealth games
Voice Recorder >> The commonwealth games a come to an end athletes train as all most and competes.they travel all around to compete there is a challenging tough competition. It is common to have a teacher and sometimes they live in the condition they need shtick diet and eat food for the the sports.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Being a good role model
In C.R.E we have been learning about Wynton Rufer. He is a football player. He was in the New Zealand world cup team in 2010. Work hard at whatever you do be a role model.Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10
Punctuating a paragraph
“Go’’ yelled dad? he was yelling at the TV while watching the boxing during the Commonwealth Games. He was watching very intensely David Nyika looked strong boom! His opponent, was knocked to the ground hooray we all shouted David won gold and he is a champion wow I thought I want to be a boxer when I grow up!
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
My New Zealand Commonwealth Athlete
Steven Edward is an athlete that represent NZ. He is 28 years old
his teacher name is darren smith. steven is a hokey player and his birth is in 25 january. Here is 2 links of glasgow. link
Friday, 1 August 2014
The XX Commonwealth Games
Audio recording software >> the Commonwealth games are also known as friendly games. it is a multi sport event thats happens four years and it host different countries around the world. in 2010 the games were held in india the next athletes.
being a champion
in C.R.E Miss Clarke was talking about Peter Snell. won 5 gold medals attitude ability
enjoyed running.
what's one thing you like to be a champion in? I'm
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
New Zealand Commonwealth Games
So far New Zealand have 5 gold silver 5 and 8 bronze. The total medals they have are 27. They are currently sitting at 5th on the medal table just under india. One person that won Gold is Shane Archbold for NZ. A different person that won Silver is ben lam for NZ . And for Shane Archbold won Bronze.
The 2014 Commonwealth Games started on 2013 and will finish on 4 days a go.
My favourite sport in the Commonwealth Games is are rugby 7. New Zealand athletes are competing in cycling track and swimming. One of the athletes in the New Zealand team that is taking part in the Games are is Shane Archbold in cycling track.

Life Education Caravan
Have You heard of the life Education caravan before? every year we go to learn about ways of keeping our bodies healthy and safe.Last week on Tuesday our class walked to the Life Education Caravan for our session. Lynn was our teacher and she talked to us about how we can help our bodies grow.
We learned about five things one is drinking,you should drink at least five cups every day. sleeping for eight hours or more every night helps our bodies to grow.
In the Life Education Caravan our classroom was learning about the bodies of Tam. she showed us the nervous system and digestive system.After that lynn told us to get in groups of Tongan,Samoan,Maori ,Cook ,Island,Niuean and Afghanistan.
I felt excited because that the lights were off and Tam was funny. Harold the giraffe couldn’t do his homework he said his teacher might eat him because he is a lion.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
My holiday
Did you enjoy your holiday? Our school finished on friday 4th of july term break. I was so excited because i couldn't wait to sleep in. My family and i did lots of things during the holiday. I’m going to tell you.
On the holidays me and my brother went to our mum's house. She lives in Tariko near Tauranga. me job were excited to met her because she is kind and nice to us. She lets us watch movies until late. My mum cooked us pancakes for breakfast in the morning.
On the second week, job and i went with my mum to a trampoline place where there are ramps and fluffy stuff on the ground that stops you from getting hurt if you fall off. My mum was jumping with us and we were having fun together. we were doing back flips and forward flips. job and i did the ford flip and back flip at the same time.
My favourite part of the holidays was going to my mom’s and letting us watching movies i felt happy.
Monday, 21 July 2014
paper plane
this week we are learning about length and measurement. Today I made a paper plane to learn about length and show the distance. I measured it using steps. I thought that it was going to fly 17 steps across the deck outside our class but it flew 10 steps instead.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Friday, 27 June 2014
Term 2 Duffy book
Today we were given our Duffy books. here is mine. thank you to the govemment of new zealand and the taxpayers who funed them.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Having patience
Today in C.R.E Mr Clarke was talking about how king Saul was jealous of David. David hid in a cave and while king Saul was sitting there, David went in and cut off some of his cloak.
Friday, 20 June 2014
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Mrs Jarman
Audio recording software >> Mrs Jarman is a very special person to our school. She is one of the assistant principal alongside Mr Jacobsen talk to our family when were involved and helps us when we get problem.She takes detention at lunch time and hell it,s mange a year 4 netball team that play on fridays night,s Mrs Jarman helps teachers when they,are away she takes the class I love Mrs Jarman I hope she stays in our school for a long time.
Friday, 13 June 2014
my mum
my mum. 
My special member is my mum Oriana. She cares about me and misses me when we go to her house. My mum plays the guitar with me, like my dad. We play together like best buddies and watch movies. We watched a movie called joyful noise, that's a funny movie. She works at the hospital in Tauriko. Me and my step dad went to get her lunch because she left it at home so we had to bring it so sometimes she’s forgetful. My mum is beautiful. Thursday, 12 June 2014
Bible scripture
Title bible scripture
Today at C.R.E we searched for bible scriptures and sang a song.
my favourite verse was Luke chapter 18 verse 16 because it means a lot to me. It says 'Jesus said'' let my children come to me and do not stop them, because the kingdom of god belongs to such as these.
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Friday, 6 June 2014
At the end of the holidays
This is a story about Jody and John and their new neighbour that just moved in.
Thursday, 5 June 2014
The bible
Title; The bible
today in C.R.E at C.R.E where,v been learning about the bible.
One thing I learned was on the bible they say no treating people.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
never give up.
Friday, 23 May 2014
A Bad Day
Have you ever had a bad day? Here are some things that happened to a character in a story I read. I’ve also included some things that could have made her cheer up.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Monday, 19 May 2014
marcus and the wind
What strange things were happening to Marcus?that nobody knows his name
Sentence: This story is about a boy named Marcus who. One day while he was trying to do his homework the teacher Check out my presentation.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Thursday, 15 May 2014
C.R.E our first lesson
In C.R.E today we sing a song called woopah wahey Mrs Clarke said the prayer for us.
there people that can help us make good choices are... god martin Russell
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong? What did you do about it? Here is my advice column.
Advice Column Blogs
Please READ these instructions!!
Go to each of these advice column blogs.
Read both the letter to the author, and the authors reply.
The letter to the blog owner involves someone asking for advice about a problem.
The reply from the blog owner is responding to the persons letter about the problem.
Please read 5 problems and complete the table below.
Amanda’s Advice Column
Dear Dish-It
Reply/ Advice
Janine was moving
Janine was moving away
Make new friends
growing pumpkin
Answer the following questions:
1. Describe how Jack was feeling and why he stole something
2. Explain why Jack owned up and told the truth?he might of got in trouble
3. Why was Mr Renata not angry at Jack?because he told the truth
Advice Column Examples to help
Title: Free Juice
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Title: Marcus and the Wind
Explain how Marcus must have been feeling at the beginning of the story and why
What strange things were happening to Marcus? that nobody knows his name
Sentence: This story is about a boy named Marcus who __ was_____(finish the sentence)____of w’
s___. One day while he was trying to do his homework ______(finish the sentence__________________________. Check out my presentation.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
my holiday highlight
On the holiday I went to my mum’s house. First the bus went to Thames then to Tauranga last I went to Tareko with my older sister Anahera (that’s a bully) then mum picked us up she took us home in the car.
As soon as I went inside I started playing on the computer. I went on my maths whizz. After that I went to the pools. Then we went back home to watch a movie called Joyful Noise.
In the morning I was watching the new lego movie then my mum woke up to let us play on the computer. I started singing karaoke songs like if i were your boyfriend then I went to my cousin’s house in Pamua.!!!!!
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
the night the lights went out
1. Why were Sarah and Scott unhappy?because no tv no tea.
2. How were they going to have tea?make them.
3. What was fun about the lights going out?tiling stories and playing finger games.
Title: The Night the Lights went out
Sentence to copy: Here are some reasons why power cuts are good and sometimes not so good.
Click here for your activity
Monday, 5 May 2014
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
life cycle of a butterfly
here is a pitcher of a life cycle butterfly

Emmanuel Butterfly from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Monday, 14 April 2014
the seal in the driveway
What did dad run back into the house to get?to get his ke
What did mom say about seals?seal
What was Sam trying to do with the rubbish bin lid?idear
Complete the activity and take a photo of it to put on your blog. Insert an image of the title page.emmanuel
Title: The Seal in our Driveway
Sentence: Here is my activity that I have put in order.
Friday, 11 April 2014
cops and robbbers
Here is a picture of a game that I was playing called Cops and Robbers. It took me ___ guesses to find the robbers. If you would like to play the game you can play it here:
Cop & robbers
Here is a picture of a game that I was playing called Cops and Robbers. It took me ___ guesses to find the robbers. If you would like to play the game you can play it here:
fiafia 2013
When i arrived I felt surprised of my self. I was feeling happy and my group was good. I performed like a girl And when i got on the stage i felt nerves of my self.
Paragraph Two:Which were your favourite performances? Explain why? What did they do to make you enjoy their performance?My favourite performance was jump jam and hip hop and all the others. Because you get to pretend to fight dance And all the others stuff.
Paragraph Three:How do you feel now? What are you hoping for next time?I felt enjoyed of my self because it’s fun. for next time i’m going to jump jam because it’s fun to do. Like punching dodging people and wiggling your bum.
Middle Kapahaka from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
why is swimming important
Do you know how to swim? learning how to swim is important. there are lots one of the reason to swim and i,m going to explain them.
Paragraph Two:
One of the reason is because new zealand has one of the worst drowning rates in water. 25% of children that don't know how to swim is 0-10 they don,t know how to swim 25 meters.
Paragraph Three:
New Zealand is a small country that surrounded by water, lakes , rivers ,beaches and swimming pool. during summer people want to swim but they don,t know how to swim.
learning how to swim is important if. you don’t know how to swim then you should need swimming lessons.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Swimming Lessons
Have you been taught by an instructor before? My instructor’s name is called Carlotta. She has been teaching group three swimming lessons for the past week. our class went to the Glen Innes Aquatic center. it is important to learn how to swim.
Last week we went swimming with class 9. We were using flutter boards to glide with. Our other instructors name is Laura. She teaches us chest, chin and brain goes in the water, google check and that all.
I feel really good about swimming. One thing I have learned is swimming at a good pace. If rush i know l will get tired quickly.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
The sun shone brightly as we walked quickly swimming lesson. I was exhausted from the breast wall. as dipped my toes glistening i fort a cold joey run up my leg. i quickly dod in to the pool an i fut refreshed as if the day is left behind me had disappeared.
I think I did ok.
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
How to be a good friend
One day I saw a sad boy crying on the playground. Then a girl came up to and said what happend.
those guys were being mean to me why were they being mean to you?
because i said to them could i play and they said no.
Then he went home,
but these boys came alone to come over his house to play with him then they wanted to have a sleepover at his place then they got up and got ready for school. Then they rugby and the boy got a tri,
then they started playing
Friday, 28 February 2014
our class investigatigation
this term we have been leaning about statistics and the investigation cycle. here is my presentation that I have made in class
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